I pretty much was a bum. I ended finals with a BAM thinking i was going to make a remedial exam bout french. I could swear the teacher hated me, and i could swear i was going to fail miserably. But i didnt. I'm starting to think he didn't really hated me...
So first days of summer i slept at 4 am and woke up at noon. I ate like a maniac. Never, i tell you, NEVER leave nutella in my house when i'm in a "sleep late, wake up late" mode. NEVER. I'm pretty sure i packed on some pounds, but as they come they go. They'll leave soon, believe me. I know how to deal with them. We're like best friends. We get along. Mr. poundy and me. Actually, its kinda like a love/hate relationship.
Madonna practically is disappointed. I have my normal wed/thurs/friday classes, but he still wants more. I couldnt give it, with the excuse that i needed rest from all those hours school had taken away. Cue the rolling of eyes.
When i started to feel like i was about to get attached permanently to the couch (The heat and being there sitting all day do not mix) i decided to get my licence. If you know me personally, you'd know i am TERRIFIED of cars. They are evil creatures. I dont like them. So the classes were painful. I even made myself to think something was happening everytime. I remembered to tell my mom that i love her, Madonna that i'll miss him, and my friends that they'll keep my belongings...
Needless to say, I'm alive AND with a licence. Wooohooo. I actually find driving quite entertaining. But driving in reverse is a pain in my butt. I can't deal with it. My garage is a pain in the butt too.
Okay, moving on... i was getting used to wake up, eat, hang with friends, watch degrassi, sleep. Repeat. Every week. It was starting to get dull. But then my family members (Who in total, are 9 people, including sisters' husbands and my little niece) decided to go to ALASKA. Like, what the hell. What the hell was i supposed to do there? A 16 year old hormonal girl with 87 year old grandparents?
Totally kidding about that last sentence. But you get the point.
So my parents did EVERYTHING. i tell you, EVERYTHING possible to convince me to go. They said i could
a) Shop whatever i want
b) Go to Houston a week before
c) Invite someone
c) Invite someone
So i decided with A) and C). My cousin, Meli, was in the game. Now i was all good. Everything was fine. I knew that if i was stuck in a 5 hour whale watch, i could just bother her. Me being the most awesome cousin there is...
Now Meli always invites me to Mazatlan. I never go. But this time i said, why the hell not. I needed a tan anyways

The plan was: Go to mazatlan for a week, go back home for 3 days to pack and get ready for Alaska, and then go to Alaska for aprox. 2 weeks. And while i was in my total relaxation point in a floatable banana, falling down to an ocean of opportunities.... and it was DEEP as hell. (I realized the fear of heights also works in ocean...) Canada decided to ask us mexicans for visas. Two days before going to Alaska. And the cruise shipped from Vancouver.
First thought in my mind: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!
But then my aunt and my momma made their magic, of course Madonna did too... And next thing i know, i only had 5 hours in my home. I cried like a baby. I wanted to be back home, in my bed. And sleep til 4. And wake up til 12. cry cry cry
Melissa and I felt like complete rockstars. We just came back from a trip and went to another. I told her that. She didnt understand til halfway through the trip...
LONG plane rides make my life hell. And when we got in the airport, the wait was even HELLER. yes thats my new word. HELLER!! we had to wait 5 hours in line. I remember hitting my toe in a corner, and a tear fell down my cheek. My family was around me, but they didnt say anything at all. They were all stressed. Thats when a random canadian guard came up to me and asked me if i was okay. I fell in love immediately with the canadian people. SO nice
Now i'm in vancouver, wasting my college fund in american apparel, banana rep and urban. My mom has this hate mode everytime my sisters and I shop. She thinks we spend too much money and she doesnt speak to us all day. At all.
We touristed like tourists. We walked around like tourists. We took pictures like tourists. Well duh, we WERE tourists after all.

All aboard the serenade of the Seas! Oh i did NOT know what was coming. I clearly didn't. We got in, and Meli and I promised ourselves we were gonna be WILD. And we're pretty much boring. So it was a big thing for us. So that night, we went to a "teen club" And there were some crazy people. Seriously. We realized that even though mexican people have the tendency to be loud and crazy, americans are MUCH more liberal. We had to say no at the perverted offers. It actually made us laugh.
We visited some weird towns. The first one looked like the movie, "Texas chainsaw massacre". The second one, "House of wax". And the third one looked like the ring. Amazingly creepy. Alaska is a very interesting state. I cannot say the sceneries were boring, cause they werent. They were astonishing! I couldnt believe my eyes. I did not know glaciars looked BLUE.
My little niece put up the color in the cruise. She's an amazingly smart little one year old. I remember that she carried her portable dvd with NEMO. When the DVD didnt work, she took my hand, and clicked PLAY with my hand. She gets it from her aunt. And she was obsessed with nemo. Every single time she saw ocean, she had a sudden outburst to yell "Nemo!!!!"

Now that i'm back, starting school... i feel sad. Sad because i didnt knew i could be that happy. Sad because i did not know i was happy when i was. Sad because i don't get to go to the Windjammer in the morning for breakfast, play ping pong challenges in the afternoon and stay up to 2 am in the jacuzzi with clothes. I will miss you all dearly.
Don't forget me. I won't forget ya.
xo - Mercy
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